
Nils K Laura L
Hiski Janne K Kalle S Jere R Mika L Eero S Juha K Lari K Riku H
Aarne H Aleksi K Anna Antti A Arttu H Eemi L Gofi [2] Henri J Henri L Iivari P Jarno K Joni A Joona V Joonas V Juho A Jukka P Jukka S Lauri H Lauri J Mikko H Mila L Perttu P Pyry P Risto V Saara K Silja S Simo L Sini S Teemu K Teemu T Tomi V Tomi Y Topi A Tuomo S Ville T Aleksi R Joel H Otto S Sebastian S



Eero has arranged us some fun and here is copy of Eero's info for those who don't have access to our Teams channel.

The team from Merihaka is coming to play with/against us on Tue 6.8. and we'll visit them on 13.8. They promised to bring some cold drinks on 6.8. so, try your best to be thirsty after the game. We're now 7 people in on 6.8. and they'll be around 8 people, so a lot of substitutes most likely. It looks like we're going to 'start the season' with a very different kind of game. We need to confirm the goalie status also before Tuesday..

On 13.8. we'll visit them in Merihaan Pallohalli (walking distance from Hakaniemi metro station): note the game time starts already at 17.00 - so check your schedules! It's good to be in Merihaka at 16:45 the latest to catch the start of the game. Bring a white & black t-shirt, like usually. If someone needs a racket, it's probably best we take one each and not the whole bag?

Any questions, please ask here. Also please let me know if we want to cancel, there's still time.


Merihaka 13.8: please bring slippers for the shower. One of their players suggested this..

Kommentoi tapahtumaa: Kirjaudu jäsensivuille tai liity joukkueeseen.

Avoin ilmoittautuminen vieraileville pelaajille


Pelaaja 2 9
Valmentaja 0 0
Maalivahti 0 0
Hyökkääjä 0 0
Puolustaja 0 0
Joukkueen ulkopuoliset 0
Yhteensä In 2 Out 9
Edellinen / Seuraava In Out
Harkka Ti 6.8.2024 klo 17:30 9 2
Harkka Ti 13.8.2024 klo 17:00 10 1
Harkka Ti 13.8.2024 klo 17:30 2 9
Harkka Ti 20.8.2024 klo 17:30 8 5
Harkka Ti 27.8.2024 klo 17:30 6 5

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